Attention Business Owners That Want To Extract Maximum Profit From Their Email List…

Discover How To Turn Your Email List Into Your Most Profitable Asset With One FREE Tactic

If You Want To Make More Money From Your Email List Than Ever Before Without Investing A Single Dime, Then I’m About To Drop An A-Bomb Full Of Value Right Into Your Lap…

In a moment, I’m going to share with you how to turn your email list into your most lucrative marketing channel.

I’m also going to help you implement the most powerful email automation you could ever imagine…

An email automation proven to convert better than any other type of email…

And turn your customers into lifelong fans.

The best part?

I’m doing this at absolutely no cost to you.

And it will only take 30 minutes of your time.

But before I get into that, let me introduce myself…

Hi, I’m Taylor Coffin.

I help businesses extract hidden money from their email lists.

I do this using proven strategies that I have discovered from some of the best email copywriters in the world.

And since I’m looking to expand my client base, I’m going to help you dial in the most important email sequence you’ll ever write.

An email sequence so powerful that I named it…

The Custom Taylored Meat & Potatoes (CTM&P) Email Sequence

(Get it? Taylored? Because my name is Taylor…)

The fact is, almost every business uses email to some degree.

Some do it better than others.

Some are already killing it with their email list.

Yet so many businesses overlook the most important email automation of all…

The first email experience your customers have…

Your chance to make a great first impression…

And create a customer for life.

An email experience I like to call the Meat & Potatoes Sequence.

I call it that because it’s fundamental for any profitable email list.

Yet only 58% of brands take advantage of this paramount sequence.

The first email alone in this sequence has proven time and time again to have the highest engagement:

Open rates as high as 91%

Clickthrough rates as high as 27%

And so much more…

But don’t think it stops there.

Turn this into a multiple email sequence like my CTM&P Sequence and you can reap many other unbelievable benefits:

320% more revenue than promotional emails

90% more sales compared to a single email

And much much more…

Why is this sequence so powerful?

Think about it…

Someone just opted into your list.

They are at peak interest in your business.

At this moment, that person trusts you enough to give you their most coveted possession – their email address,

So you need to make a good first impression.

And I can help you do that.

Book your free CTM&P consultation today where I’ll help you:

Write a killer welcome email that will establish trust with each new subscriber and increase your customer LTV

Map out a full 5-10 email CTM&P sequence so that you can take full advantage of this powerful automation

Increase your deliverability to ensure you land in your subscribers’ primary inbox

Turn your subscribers into lifelong fans

And much much more…

After our call, you will have everything you need to implement your Custom Taylored Meat & Potatoes sequence.

You could see an increase in revenue as early as next week!

Why would I do this?

Why would I spend 30 minutes of my time with you for free to help you grow your business bigger than ever?

Well the truth is I’m doing this as a case study to get more clients.

All you have to do is show up and I’ll custom Taylor a Meat & Potatoes sequence that works for you and your business.

And when it works…

I want to use you as a case study as well.

What better way to get clients than show you first hand the impact I can make on your business?

So to take advantage of this limited offer and grow your business for absolutely FREE…

Click the button below to book a call on my calendar.

Book My Free CTM&P Call

Let’s recap real quick…

Step 1:
Book your free CTM&P consultation 

Step 2:
We create a Custom Taylored Meat & Potatoes Sequence for you and your business.

Step 3:
Implement your CTM&P sequence and reap the rewards.

All you have to do is click the calendar button below, pick your time slot, and enter your regular details to book your free CTM&P call today.

Book My Free CTM&P Call

Here’s to your best year yet,

Taylor Coffin

P.S. The CTM&P flow is the first step of optimizing your email list.

It is essential to the foundation needed to start building a profitable email list.

Leveraged properly, you won’t be struggling to make money with your emails ever again.

P.P.S. I also like to call this my Infinite ROI call. 

(Get it? Infinite ROI? Because ROI = Profit / Investment and in this case, ROI = $Mucho / $0 = ∞)

Don’t forget to book your call today:

Book My Infinite ROI Call

About me

Hi, I’m Taylor Coffin.

For the past 8 years, I’ve been a mechanical engineer but struggled to keep my job and savings after covid hit.

I started working from home in March 2020 and it was great.

Less stress…

No commuting…

And more free time to spend with our beautiful baby girl that was born in June 2020.

(I can’t believe how fast she’s growing)

I was driving a cool car, working normal hours, and making decent money.

About six months later, work came to a screeching halt.

I was lucky to get 20 hours most weeks.

That meant I had to use nearly all of my savings to pay bills and cover normal living expenses.

That also meant I had to sell my Porsche 🙁

2021 hit hard.

Then I discovered email marketing and copywriting…

And invested a ton of money to master these skills so that I won’t have to worry about job security ever again.

Now I help businesses extract hidden money from their email lists.

Book your call today to see how I can help you and your business make a ton of money through email.